Over a dozen local clubs and societies regularly book the Memorial Hall for weekly or monthly meetings. These are listed below and all will welcome new members or enquiries.  The Hall is regularly used for private functions, such as birthday parties, children’s parties in the afternoon, charity events and (occasionally) wedding receptions and as a polling station for both local and parliamentary elections.

Eldwick Bridge Club

Hold an ACOL bridge session every Monday morning 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. For further details, contact its Secretary, Patrick Abbott 01274 560340.

Yoga Classes

Contac:-t  Katie Toher 07429632068   Info@katietoheryoga.co.uk  Mondays 7.00pm to 8.00pm

Bingley Janus Club

A recreational club for retired men in the Bingley area. New Members and Guests are welcome. Meets every Thursday morning for Coffee, Interesting Talks, Presentations and Sociability. Meetings are weekly between October and May and monthly June to September. For further details, contact Graham Anderson – Secretary – 01274 563843 or visit the entry in Bradford Communigate

Expressions Drama

Expressions Drama Classes are fun, engaging and explore many areas of acting and drama within a creative environment as well as performing on the real stage. We believe every young person is unique and should shine to their full potential by learning new skills and building confidence. Contact Rachael Delaney 07841651225 www.expressionsdrama.co.uk  Mondays 4.30pm to 6.45pm


Award winning art and creative play classes for Babies, Toddlers and Children Contact Clare 07795 551396 clare@artventurers.co.uk Tuesday Mornings 9.00am to 1.00pm

Footloose Dance

Contact:- Louise Webster 07716 099453 footloosedance@hotmail.com Wednesday 4.00pm to 7.15.pm

Ockerby Academy

Fun Dance and performing classes for all ages from jazz to Ballet. Musical Theatre & Performing Arts. Baby Sensory to Toddler Class & Adult Jazz. Fitness and Commercial Classes.  All abilities welcome.  Contact 07952 650867 e-mail ockerbyacademy@gmail.com  Wednesday 9.30am to 11.30am & 7.30pm to 9.00pm Thursday 4.00pm to  8.15pm  &  Friday 4.15pm to 8.00pm

Yorkshire Country Women’s Association

Rural association aiming to further the skills, knowledge and fellowship of its members. Open to all women in the Eldwick and Bingley vicinity. Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. For further details, contact the Mrs M. Beckwith 01274 591055.

West Riding Woodturners Group

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm, with professional demonstrations at about half of the meetings. Visitors are welcome to attend three meetings free of charge. Further details, including relevant contacts, may be found on our website www.wrwg.net

Eldwick and Gilstead Horticultural Society

Promotes and advises on gardening matters, holds a spring fair and annual show and administers the Warren Lane allotments. Meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. For further details, contact the President Mrs Jane Hitchen or the secretary John Churchman on 01274 928194.

Soroptimists International of Bingley

Women’s organisation, working to advance human rights and the status of women. Meets every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7.30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. For further details, contact the secretary Pam Janes on 01274 564075 or click here

Electoral Commission

The Hall is used as a polling station for both local and parliamentary elections. These dates take priority over all other bookings.

Eldwick and Gilstead Gala Association

An annual village event to raise funds for local charities. Meetings as advertised For further details, contact the secretary Ann Foster at galaeldwick@gmail.com

Eldwick Village Society

Promotes village life and produces a monthly newsletter. Meetings as advertised For further details, contact Tony Clegg on 01274 562643 or email news@eldwickvillage.co.uk

Tennis Club

All year round playing

Registered in England No: 7017812

Eldwick Memorial Hall Trust Limited (Charity No. 1146698)

Eldwick Memorial Hall